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Submission to Solidaridad con Valencia - Solidarity with Valencia- Solidaritat amb València.
Submission to Bundle Submission for Indie Bundle for Abortion Funds
Submission to TTRPGs for Palestine
Submission to Indie Gala 2023 bundle submissions
Submission to Join The Selects Spring Bundle 2024
Submission to Rio Grande do Sul Floods Relief Bundle
Submission to TTRPGs for Accessible Gaming Charity Bundle
Submission to Bundle for Ukrainian Hospitals
Submission to RPGs for Accessible Gaming Charity Bundle
Submission to California Fire Relief Bundle
Submission to TTRPGs for Trans Rights—Ohio Game Jam
Related games
Paris Gondo - The Life-Saving Magic of Inventorying
Return to Paris Gondo - The Life-Saving Magic of Inventorying
One last polish before the Kickstarter
March 02, 2025
Kalum from The Rolistes
#Kickstarter, #Magic of Inventorying
Hello everyone, It's been a long time since made any change to the Paris Gondo - The Life-Saving Magic of Inventorying or posted a devlog for it. The update is limited to a cosmetic change to the fron...
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Avoid shipping costs and get a 20% discount at Dragonmeet
November 18, 2022
Kalum from The Rolistes
#convention, #dragonmeet, #discount
Here's an opportunity to play " Paris Gondo - The Life-Saving Magic of Inventorying " with me in person on December 3rd in London. I will be running several sessions at London's Dragonmeet as part of...
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Physical copies are back in stock with improved card decks
May 08, 2022
Kalum from The Rolistes
#Physical copies
H ello everyone, Physical copies and boxsets of "Paris Gondo - The Life-Saving Magic of Inventorying" are now available again via The Rolistes Big Cartel store . Thanks to the good advice of Bez Shahr...
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日本語版の翻訳をご支援ください。/ Help Me Hire a Japanese Translator
December 22, 2021
Kalum from The Rolistes
Good news everyone! The first sale of "Paris Gondo - The Life-Saving Magic of Inventorying" boxsets has taken place as part of Dragonmeet . It went quite well. Thanks to this sale, I've gathered the f...
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New Playmat & Play-Aids on our ready-to-play Miro
October 12, 2021
Kalum from The Rolistes
Hello, I've been VERY busy preparing the physical copies of Paris Gondo - The Life-Saving Magic of Inventorying which will available at Dragonmeet on December 4th . I've created new versions of the ga...
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A "Roublard" (that's French for Rogue) on the loose and a streamed Actual Play
September 11, 2021
Kalum from The Rolistes
#actual play, #text update
Hello, Adventurers with a strong desire to declutter your loot! I've re-uploaded the Core Book PDF after correcting the word "Roublard", which appeared a couple of times, with "Rogue". Yes, in additio...
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