Merci Miah for the improved handouts + UK Games Expo 2024 feedback

Hello truth-upholding sisters and brothers,

Here's an overdue devlog and "thank you / merci" to Miah for her work on Rosewood Abbey's multiple handouts.

I highly recommend to follow her on social (all I have for her at the moment is exposure) and to go practice your TTRPG French (le jeu de rôle) thanks to her Le Kapharnaum streaming channel.

So, Miah delivered the following very helpful attached handouts over the last couple of months:

  • Collaboration Sheet 
  • Character Sheet
  • Anatomy of a Character Sheet
  • 3 versions of the Rumor Mill (for various campaign lengths)
  • Rumor Apocrypha

They're in a "pamphlet" A4 format that should work wit most printers.

I still need to take these new handouts for a spin at a couple of in-person games.

Let us know if you have any suggestions about how to improve them.

Now, the reason it took me so long psoting this devlog is that I was busy preparing for, attending, and lately recovering from UK Games Expo 2024.

This year's edition of UKGE (not UK General Election) was truly fantastic between its record breaking attendance, and the first ever Indie TTRPG #StampQuest.

On top of that, I had the opportunity to meet many of you AND 37 copies of Rosewood Abbey we sold. 

It was my most succesful tablteop con so far thanks to you.

I must say, my Cafael and William of Baskerville also deserves credit for a couple of sales.

 Again, the enthusiam towards Rsoewood Abbey is well beyond my expectations.

Thanks for your support.

Please let me know about your adventures upholding the truth. I'd love to read about your Rumor Mill and latest Talks of the Moment.




Rosewood Abbey_Rumor Mill_4 sessions_2024.05.08.pdf 255 kB
55 days ago
Rosewood Abbey_Rumor Mill_6 sessions_2024.05.08.pdf 254 kB
55 days ago
Rosewood Abbey_Rumor Mill_8 sessions_2024.05.08.pdf 255 kB
55 days ago
Rosewood Abbey_Character Sheet_2024.05.15.pdf 160 kB
17 days ago
Rosewood Abbey_Collaboration Sheet_2024.05.15.pdf 134 kB
17 days ago
Rosewood Abbey_Rumor Apocrypha_2024.05.27.pdf 114 kB
17 days ago
Rosewood Abbey_Anatomy of Character Sheet_2024.05.26.pdf 128 kB
17 days ago

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